ABOUT: Christopher Healy
To develop my students confidence and abilities with essential 'building block experiences" that inspire, educate and transform, while professionally developing their performance talents utilizing an “out-of-the-box” entrepreneurial mindset to succeed in life and career. My mission allows me to be as creative as possible in teaming up with people who want to contribute their uniqueness to society and assisting them in creating their visions of success.
To develop my students confidence and abilities with essential 'building block experiences" that inspire, educate and transform, while professionally developing their performance talents utilizing an “out-of-the-box” entrepreneurial mindset to succeed in life and career. My mission allows me to be as creative as possible in teaming up with people who want to contribute their uniqueness to society and assisting them in creating their visions of success.
Welcome to my world of acting, drama and creating the next generation of high performers through unique leadership courses that reflects a new generation of successful thinking and behaving. I am a busy guy who lives his passions and I am also a stay at home dad with two boys and my wife Shirley; for without her, none of this amazing success would ever be possible. So browse around, enjoy my world, and take this old Chinese proverb with you, "The person that says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it".
Christopher Healy is a family man who lives in Toronto and has accumulated a wealth of seasoned experience, wisdom and knowledge over 37 years in the entertainment industry. From being owner of a successful manufacturing business in Australia to actor, writer, director, series creator, manager, producer, artistic director; and for the past eighteen years as teacher to unpredictable kids, stressed out teenagers and adults searching for their uniqueness.
Chris' teaching is based in part:
Chris' community involvement:
Chris' international Involvement:
Christopher has raised venture capital, written screenplays, directed live performances and produced sixteen properties. He co-executive produced the reality series pilot, Starmaker and has casting experience from Toronto to New York and Los Angeles. In 2011 Christopher moved on from the Toronto Academy to further expand his own aspirations as awareness presenter, life coach, and strategic intervention consultant. Christopher has created Arts-based experiential learning workshops, called Awareness Creates Change™ that helps youth discover their courageous identity and can also help companies develop their culture of creativity to drive innovation and improve workforce performance. Christopher’s workshops are as challenging and unpredictable as the real world and yet inspires participants to open their “internal path” from what Christopher terms as the slavery of being “uniquely- average” to the exponential freedom of the “possible-human”; a concept where everything is possible through imagination, creativity and innovation, synergized to meet tomorrow’s unpredictable opportunities. Christopher seamlessly interweaves his commanding influence through the art of communication with relevant historical facts that emphases the message your confidence empowers your success into a powerful educational experience that captivates all ages. Finally, Christopher Healy considers himself a "freethinker" who believes our collective future is anchored to our past and as such, he is a profound and conscientious researcher and speaker inspiring school students on historical events and our future, and providing an on-going study, analysis, and interpretation of geopolitical foreign policies, international strategic & economic interests, and future crisis flash points. This is a love Christopher has carefully cultivated for over three decades. CHRISTOPHER HEALY TEACHING AND PRODUCTION CREDITS: 2018 Directed 4 stage productions for Children and Teenagers of Kidsfeld, live on stage episodes of Seinfeld. 2017 Directed 2 stage productions of The Breakfast Club and Kidfeld 2016 (June) Directed two stage theatrical productions of Kidsfeld 2015(June)Directed a stage theatrical production of Kidsfeld (Seinfeld) 2015 (May) Directed a stage production of 12 Angry kids / 12 Angry men 2015 (February) Directed a stage theatrical production of Kidsfeld (Seinfeld) 2014 Christopher wrote and directed two commercials for Kids Right to Know / GMO Just label it campaign. 2012 Christopher produced his Anti Bully event and presented, also featured Theresa Dugwell, jasmine Richards and Errol lee. 2011 Christopher joins the Board of Directors as advisor and dramaturge for 11th House performing arts company based in Mississauga, Ontario. 2011 Christopher presents his AWARENESS CREATES CHANGE WORKSHOP along with Hailey Colman and Theresa Dugwell to students on how to overcome inner fears and become the best they can be. FROM 1997 to 2011 Christopher has been the Artistic Director and principle acting Instructor with the Toronto Academy of Acting in Canada until he resigned in January 22nd 2011. 2009 Christopher is invited to present his “Awareness Creates Change” seminar to MISS TEEN CANADA WORLD CONTESTANTS with amazing success and sat on the judging panel. 2009 Executive produced / directed and presented “Conquering Audition Nerves”, a live broadcast seminar filmed in Toronto. 2009 Executive produced / directed and presented “The Acting Class”, a reality actors training course that follows young adults during a full time three month training course as they strive to support each other and yet compete as rivals. 2008 Executive produced and directed an Internet TV commercial for The Toronto Academy of Acting for Film and television in Canada. 2008 Executive produced and directed Internet TV commercial and TRADE SHOW docu-mercial for Chu’s Martial Arts in Toronto Canada. |
2008 Executive produced and directed an Internet TV commercial for Helen Tansey photography, located in Toronto Canada.
2007/08 – Executive produced / directed and presented, “Acting Up” season two. Season two follows hot on the heals of season one. We continue to follow the training of our two stars Sasha and Samantha. And with a whole new cast of students, the Acting Up girls must now compete to win in weekly film & television auditions with an end of series showcase in front of a panel of top agents and managers.
2007- Executive produced and directed, “Black-Belts” an internet television program that follows five young boys who have been training as Martial Artists and are now ready to face the grueling testing to become black belts.
2007- Executive produced / directed and presented, “Actors Success in the Making” an internet training program for beginners on how to get into show business.
2007- Executive produced / directed and presented, "Acting Up" a training series for internet television, where we follow the quest of two girls as they progress through a tough training and management program to become internet TV personalities. Season two is slated for production November 2007.
2005 – Chris provided his specialty coaching for the reality series Handyman contestants in the new reality series HGTV production.
2005 – Executive produced / co-directed and co-created a reality series pilot “Living the Dream”. A story about twelve kids who journey together to create their own TV stardom.
2005 – Christopher formed Studio City North, Inc. a new media (edu-tainment) production and broadcasting company that will empower kids, teens and young adults to come together as a growing community to learn communication and leadership skills, hands on production experience, job creation and broadcasting opportunities.
2005 - Executive produced and directed a 45 minute film “Year of Imagination”. This film was a year in the making. It is a lighthearted visual study of Pre School kids from the Etobicoke Royal York Nursery school as they experienced life’s little moments.
2004 - Chris filmed Peace Management / 1st Option modeling and talent search promotional events in Toronto Canada.
2003 - Directed the supernatural thriller, short film, "Ten Little Flies"
2001 to 2008 – Christopher serves as Artistic Director of Show biz kids children's camps and directs numerous live productions each year.
2001 - 2002 Chris co-executive produced "Starmaker the pilot series", along with audition training and promotional footage from on location in Los Angeles, New York and Toronto.
2000 – Christopher sat on the judging panel at the International Model and Talent Association in New York.
1999 - Executive produced the short documentary "Distant Threads".
1997 FEATURE FILM STOLEN HEART* co starring as Avery (winner best film 1998” at Victoria BC Independent Film Festival)
1996 - 1998 Co-executive produced in association with Diamond Entertainment, a documentary titled "Icon" about a working summer in the life of a cynical but happy Madonna impersonator. This extensive production required Christopher to film "Madonna" at live media interviews, meetings, behind the scenes and on many live shoots at venues such as the Canadian National Exhibition Concert stage, where he was on stage shooting live concert performances. 90-minute feature.
1996 FEATURE FILM THE NIGHT WATCHMAN Starring as Stuart Ansell
1995 - 99 – Christopher served as Acting school Director attending four IMTA (International Model and Talent Association) conventions in New York and Los Angeles.
1995 ON THE STREET (Infomercial)
1995 TEAM LEARNING (Industrial)
1994 SHORT FILM BOUND FOR FREEDOM - Dr Gunner (principle)
1993 CBC MINI SERIES DIEPPE - Mountbattens Aide (actor)
1993 FEATURE FILM ZOO – Curval (principle)
1991 - 92 Executive produced Video theatrical "Stage-Play" productions of Macbeth and West Side Story.
1996 DIAL “M” FOR MURDER – Captain Lesgate
1995 FANTASTICKS - Henry
1994 BLESSED - Bayne
1994 FAUST - Bishop
1994 THE MOUSETRAP - Sergeant Trotter
1993 MACBETH - Macbeth
1993 RICHARD III – Lord Rivers
1992 HENRY VI – Humphrey Duke of Gloucester
1992 EDWARD IV – Lord Rivers/Sir Staffiord
1991 WEST SIDE STORY - Bernardo
1991 LION IN WINTER – Richard the LionHeart
Judy Banks School of Television: (Acting for camera) (Australian Academy of Entertainers)
In 1975 – 76 I trained with Judy Banks School of Television. This is Melbourne's longest established Television & Media training facility. Judy Banks has an absolute wealth of experience as a stage performer and TV presenter. Judy had her own TV series on ABC Television "Four For The Show" for four years and was co-host of the mad cap "Fred Bear's Breakfast A Go Go" for 3 years with the 10 Network. Her courses include TV drama, TV presenter.
Stephen Costain: (Acting and voice)
In 1978 - 1980 Stephan Costain has been a Voice and acting coach for 35 years as well as an accomplished Actor and Director. He trained a large number of Australian Actors including: Geoffrey Rush, Helen Morse, Petra Yared, Steve Rogers, Alison Bell, Anthony Kiernan, Nicole Dixon, among others. His voice training has encompassed associations with: University of Western Sydney, University of Wollongong, University of Ballarat and The Victorian College of the Arts School of Drama where he was head of voice from 1996 – 2002. Earlier, Stephen operated his own acting School in Melbourne since 1976, once graduating from the Royal Academy of Acting in London England.
Allan Guttman: (Improvisation)
I trained with Allen back in 1990/91 for improvisation. For 17 years Allan was director of the Second City Training Centre in Toronto. Among his students were Mike Myers, Colin Mochrie and Ryan Stiles (Who’s Line Is It, Anyway?) the members of The Kids in the Hall, etc. Allen was, for several years, co-artistic director of The Actors Workshop in Toronto. Allan has taught at the Actors Studio and the American Academy of Dramatic Arts in New York City.
Larry Silverberg (Meisner technique)
I had taken three workshops with Larry back in 1998, 2001 and again in 2003. Larry Silverberg is one of the most widely published actor / acting teachers in the world today and he is considered the foremost authority on the Sanford Meisner technique of acting.
Maruska Stankova: Directing, Acting and Writing for Camera Workshops.
I trained with Ms Stankova in 1997/98 and completed her DAWC workshops learning as Actor, Director and Writer. The late Maruska Stankova, artistic director, acting and directing teacher, was honored in a special presentation with the WIFT-T award for excellence in professional development.
"Imagination is everything. It is the preview of Life's coming attractions."
– Albert Einstein
• For the last thirty years I have continued an on-going study, analysis, and interpretation of geo-political foreign policies, international strategic & economic interests, and future crisis flash points
• Thinking outside of the box to create innovative ideas and concepts
• Watching my Sons, William and Nicholas grow up
• A twenty year study of history, past, present and its future
• Study of human behaviors – past to present
• Writing
• Anything scary – like Stephen King movies
• Documentary film-making
• Enjoying the company and cultures of people
• Playing computer simulations and global strategic games
• Some of my all time favorite movies: Lord of the Rings trilogy / Titanic / The Incredibles / Jaws / Rocky / / Star Wars films / A face in the crowd / Fail Safe / Dr. Strangelove / Night of the living Dead (original B&W version) / Exorcist / Deliverance / Contact / Zulu / the Great Escape / Animal Farm / The Hill (great film) / Paths of Glory / Seven Days in May / Blood Diamond / The Departed / Quarantine / Decent / The Incredibles
• My favorite Actors: Leonardo DiCaprio / Harrison Ford / Tom Hanks / Burt Lancaster / Peter Sellers / Robert DiNiro / Heath Ledger / Dustin Hoffman / Kirk Douglas / Syndrome – from the movie
• My favorite all time music: The Beatles / Elvis Presley / Pink Floyd
• Favorite producer - Mark Burnett
• Favorite Icon - Richard Branson
• Favorite TV shows – WestWorld / Breaking Bad / Walking Dead / America's Got talent
• Favorite Books – “Art of the Deal” by Donald Trump, “Jump In” by Mark Burnett
2007/08 – Executive produced / directed and presented, “Acting Up” season two. Season two follows hot on the heals of season one. We continue to follow the training of our two stars Sasha and Samantha. And with a whole new cast of students, the Acting Up girls must now compete to win in weekly film & television auditions with an end of series showcase in front of a panel of top agents and managers.
2007- Executive produced and directed, “Black-Belts” an internet television program that follows five young boys who have been training as Martial Artists and are now ready to face the grueling testing to become black belts.
2007- Executive produced / directed and presented, “Actors Success in the Making” an internet training program for beginners on how to get into show business.
2007- Executive produced / directed and presented, "Acting Up" a training series for internet television, where we follow the quest of two girls as they progress through a tough training and management program to become internet TV personalities. Season two is slated for production November 2007.
2005 – Chris provided his specialty coaching for the reality series Handyman contestants in the new reality series HGTV production.
2005 – Executive produced / co-directed and co-created a reality series pilot “Living the Dream”. A story about twelve kids who journey together to create their own TV stardom.
2005 – Christopher formed Studio City North, Inc. a new media (edu-tainment) production and broadcasting company that will empower kids, teens and young adults to come together as a growing community to learn communication and leadership skills, hands on production experience, job creation and broadcasting opportunities.
2005 - Executive produced and directed a 45 minute film “Year of Imagination”. This film was a year in the making. It is a lighthearted visual study of Pre School kids from the Etobicoke Royal York Nursery school as they experienced life’s little moments.
2004 - Chris filmed Peace Management / 1st Option modeling and talent search promotional events in Toronto Canada.
2003 - Directed the supernatural thriller, short film, "Ten Little Flies"
2001 to 2008 – Christopher serves as Artistic Director of Show biz kids children's camps and directs numerous live productions each year.
2001 - 2002 Chris co-executive produced "Starmaker the pilot series", along with audition training and promotional footage from on location in Los Angeles, New York and Toronto.
2000 – Christopher sat on the judging panel at the International Model and Talent Association in New York.
1999 - Executive produced the short documentary "Distant Threads".
1997 FEATURE FILM STOLEN HEART* co starring as Avery (winner best film 1998” at Victoria BC Independent Film Festival)
1996 - 1998 Co-executive produced in association with Diamond Entertainment, a documentary titled "Icon" about a working summer in the life of a cynical but happy Madonna impersonator. This extensive production required Christopher to film "Madonna" at live media interviews, meetings, behind the scenes and on many live shoots at venues such as the Canadian National Exhibition Concert stage, where he was on stage shooting live concert performances. 90-minute feature.
1996 FEATURE FILM THE NIGHT WATCHMAN Starring as Stuart Ansell
1995 - 99 – Christopher served as Acting school Director attending four IMTA (International Model and Talent Association) conventions in New York and Los Angeles.
1995 ON THE STREET (Infomercial)
1995 TEAM LEARNING (Industrial)
1994 SHORT FILM BOUND FOR FREEDOM - Dr Gunner (principle)
1993 CBC MINI SERIES DIEPPE - Mountbattens Aide (actor)
1993 FEATURE FILM ZOO – Curval (principle)
1991 - 92 Executive produced Video theatrical "Stage-Play" productions of Macbeth and West Side Story.
1996 DIAL “M” FOR MURDER – Captain Lesgate
1995 FANTASTICKS - Henry
1994 BLESSED - Bayne
1994 FAUST - Bishop
1994 THE MOUSETRAP - Sergeant Trotter
1993 MACBETH - Macbeth
1993 RICHARD III – Lord Rivers
1992 HENRY VI – Humphrey Duke of Gloucester
1992 EDWARD IV – Lord Rivers/Sir Staffiord
1991 WEST SIDE STORY - Bernardo
1991 LION IN WINTER – Richard the LionHeart
Judy Banks School of Television: (Acting for camera) (Australian Academy of Entertainers)
In 1975 – 76 I trained with Judy Banks School of Television. This is Melbourne's longest established Television & Media training facility. Judy Banks has an absolute wealth of experience as a stage performer and TV presenter. Judy had her own TV series on ABC Television "Four For The Show" for four years and was co-host of the mad cap "Fred Bear's Breakfast A Go Go" for 3 years with the 10 Network. Her courses include TV drama, TV presenter.
Stephen Costain: (Acting and voice)
In 1978 - 1980 Stephan Costain has been a Voice and acting coach for 35 years as well as an accomplished Actor and Director. He trained a large number of Australian Actors including: Geoffrey Rush, Helen Morse, Petra Yared, Steve Rogers, Alison Bell, Anthony Kiernan, Nicole Dixon, among others. His voice training has encompassed associations with: University of Western Sydney, University of Wollongong, University of Ballarat and The Victorian College of the Arts School of Drama where he was head of voice from 1996 – 2002. Earlier, Stephen operated his own acting School in Melbourne since 1976, once graduating from the Royal Academy of Acting in London England.
Allan Guttman: (Improvisation)
I trained with Allen back in 1990/91 for improvisation. For 17 years Allan was director of the Second City Training Centre in Toronto. Among his students were Mike Myers, Colin Mochrie and Ryan Stiles (Who’s Line Is It, Anyway?) the members of The Kids in the Hall, etc. Allen was, for several years, co-artistic director of The Actors Workshop in Toronto. Allan has taught at the Actors Studio and the American Academy of Dramatic Arts in New York City.
Larry Silverberg (Meisner technique)
I had taken three workshops with Larry back in 1998, 2001 and again in 2003. Larry Silverberg is one of the most widely published actor / acting teachers in the world today and he is considered the foremost authority on the Sanford Meisner technique of acting.
Maruska Stankova: Directing, Acting and Writing for Camera Workshops.
I trained with Ms Stankova in 1997/98 and completed her DAWC workshops learning as Actor, Director and Writer. The late Maruska Stankova, artistic director, acting and directing teacher, was honored in a special presentation with the WIFT-T award for excellence in professional development.
"Imagination is everything. It is the preview of Life's coming attractions."
– Albert Einstein
• For the last thirty years I have continued an on-going study, analysis, and interpretation of geo-political foreign policies, international strategic & economic interests, and future crisis flash points
• Thinking outside of the box to create innovative ideas and concepts
• Watching my Sons, William and Nicholas grow up
• A twenty year study of history, past, present and its future
• Study of human behaviors – past to present
• Writing
• Anything scary – like Stephen King movies
• Documentary film-making
• Enjoying the company and cultures of people
• Playing computer simulations and global strategic games
• Some of my all time favorite movies: Lord of the Rings trilogy / Titanic / The Incredibles / Jaws / Rocky / / Star Wars films / A face in the crowd / Fail Safe / Dr. Strangelove / Night of the living Dead (original B&W version) / Exorcist / Deliverance / Contact / Zulu / the Great Escape / Animal Farm / The Hill (great film) / Paths of Glory / Seven Days in May / Blood Diamond / The Departed / Quarantine / Decent / The Incredibles
• My favorite Actors: Leonardo DiCaprio / Harrison Ford / Tom Hanks / Burt Lancaster / Peter Sellers / Robert DiNiro / Heath Ledger / Dustin Hoffman / Kirk Douglas / Syndrome – from the movie
• My favorite all time music: The Beatles / Elvis Presley / Pink Floyd
• Favorite producer - Mark Burnett
• Favorite Icon - Richard Branson
• Favorite TV shows – WestWorld / Breaking Bad / Walking Dead / America's Got talent
• Favorite Books – “Art of the Deal” by Donald Trump, “Jump In” by Mark Burnett