THIS COURSE IS FOR KIDS ONLY 12 students are invited to take part in this crazy fun course where the kids will rehearse and then perform live on stage with some of the most hilarious visual skits from the most popular prime time Television comedy show of all time – Seinfeld! The students will be cast together in groups of four. Each of the three groups will be playing their own central lead roles of Jerry, George, Elaine, and Kramer in their own half hour LIVE performance to an audience of family and friends. The students work from actual scripts doing zany crazy comedy! As each group is on stage playing the 4 lead characters the other 8 actors will be performing supportive roles and also be working back stage with props and lighting. So, each of the three groups will get their opportunity to perform their ½ hour ‘sit-com’ on stage and then they will support the other actors when they are doing their ½ hour show. This course runs for 12 weeks with the last class being a performance afternoon of laughs! All up there will be three ½ hour live shows with staging set-ups in between. Each of the three shows will be different than the last. Total live on stage time is 90 minutes for all 12 actors. This course offers a wonderful opportunity for students to experience working and rehearsing “situation comedy’ (sit-com) and performing it live to a live audience. Students will be working with comedy text, trying out zany physical antics, making props, learning about stagecraft, developing a comedy character and performing it all LIVE! THE COURSE / LIVE SHOW BENEFITS:
So the students get real rehearsal / performance experiences, but also they get a much needed credit on their acting resumes. Agents / managers / casting want to see that kids have “experience” to be considered, and that's why I am doing such a popular show like Seinfeld Our show runs 12 WEEKS with just over 30 hours of coaching / rehearsal time, starting with rehearsals on November 10th from 3-5pm with last 3 classes being 3 hours each (2-5pm) . This Saturday course is for Teenagers. I am also running a second course for the KIDS ONLY on Sunday November 11th from 3-5pm with last 3 classes being 3 hours each (2-5pm) . BOTH SATURDAY AND SUNDAY COURSES WILL COMBINE TO HAVE THEIR FINAL live on stage SHOWCASE performance Saturday February 9th 2019 The kids will be in the Theater from 11am till 4pm and the Teens will then be in the Theater from 4pm until 9pm Rehearsal location is the studio space 55 Glen Cameron Rd in Thornhill but the performance is in a local theater. The cost of this unique 12 week course is $595.00 + HST 13% ($77.00) = $672.00. Cost for new students is $650.00 + HST $84.50 = $734.50 |