5.0 out of 5 stars Christopher Healy's book will give you a better knowledge about the acting industry By Eugene Olkhovski on Nov. 14 2015 Format: Kindle Edition Verified Purchase.
"Christopher Healy's book will give you a better knowledge about the acting industry. It will open your mind about the industry. His book is really interesting and helpful for young actors who want to be an actor when they grow up". about the book:
The Actors Success In The Making is my new book with course materials that will help you as a parent to understand the acting business and for your child wanting to work in this industry.
My 20 years as an actor and 21 years as a teacher has gone into this work that will show you how to separate yourselves from the pack, work hard towards your dream, navigate your way through the Status Quo and play the game really, really smart. Check out the description from the back of the book and see why it's for you and your child. Chapter One is about the business of show-business. Remember, talent is what you start with, and you are going need to know the business of show-business if you are going to propel yourself forward and leave the pack behind. Now, over the last 20 years, parents have asked me many important life and career questions about the business, and so I answer the most important ones here in this book. In truth, you will need these questions answered to provide you some clarity, so you can make any life changing decisions based on correct knowledge. Special Bonus Chapter Two: This bonus chapter is from my two other books “Life Lessons From An Acting Class” and “What’s So Special About You?” The information you will read is very appropriate to your learning and that’s why I have included it in this book. The portion from “What’s so special about you?” will offer you advice on success, performing and presentation, while “Life Lessons From An Acting Class” offers unique hands-on learning from the private journals of 17–21 year old students who were courageous enough to go through my 9 week course that pushed the students beyond their perceived limits and fears, and into discovering true insights that would change their lives forever and can empower you to change yours. Chapter Three is about what’s not so readily available (except in some fulltime acting schools where students would pay up to $30,000 plus, but not all the schools teach this process) and that’s the process of what you do when you get a screenplay or script or even a scene? The reader may have their acting talents down but most have no real idea on how to breakdown that massive screenplay or script. What I provide here for the student is a road map into screenplays, scripts and scenes and even characters, where student’s can learn how to navigate their way into the core of the character, picking up little gold nuggets as they go. It’s important to know how to navigate your way into screenplays and pick up all the options that can help you make decisions as an actor, and then you can decide on how to play those options as character choices. This is what making a good actor great is all about. It’s about the “playable choices” he or she makes on screen or stage that makes an audience compelled to watch and enjoy. Acting is about exploring and making compelling choices work and these choices come from YOU making compelling decisions from all your options. All that begins when you get the script. This chapter then is GOLD! Chapter Four – The Winners Circle. This chapter offers you real actionable success strategies, as well as how to get yourself set-up and into the auditions circle. That’s right, you will learn how to take 7 detailed steps that will take you from where you are right now and get you out into getting auditions for real, and you don’t even need an agent (at least to start) but you will need to work hard, learn lots and take the 7 steps one step at a time. This chapter takes you into acting for real! I also decided to approach this book as if I were your personal manager and consultant. I will provide you with insights and valuable tips to help you get along. I will also advise you on how to develop yourself as an actor. I will also share with you on how to get the agent and get the work, how to strategize your career ahead and understand the value of you as a “self brand”. Also, how to use some important promotional and marketing strategies to build your fan base! You will learn the key insights on performing for the camera, the psychology of your character, good screenplay essentials that every student of acting should know? Here’s the bottom line: there is more real actionable information in this book than you will find in reading twenty books on “the biz”, and then trying to compile all the information together in a sequence that makes sense to you. Add to that, thousands of dollars saved in not taking expensive courses and getting scammed. The information, and strategies offered inside this book have helped most of my students to find their “voice”, if you will, and inspire others to hire them. This book is about training and preparing you for real so get excited! TABLE OF CONTENTS: CHAPTER ONE
FOR MY STUDENTS - GET $25.00 OFF ANY OF MY COURSES WITH BOOK PURCHASE. (Just bring in a receipt of sale and you get $25.00 bucks saved then and there.) Thank you again for your time and I hope all is going well for you. Remember - "Confidence Empowers Success". Chris Healy |